Teenage Survival Kit Project

SICB took up the challenge to educate and help teenagers cope with the challenges they face in their growing up years. 


Webinar on Cybersafety Video Competition for teenagers


The Teenage Survival Kit (TSK) will cover topics that are challenging and at times sensitive.  We will address:  Teen Sexuality, Teen Safety, Teen Health and Teen Empowerment.  The program will be delivered via workshops/webinars/social media/podcasts/videos and others. 

Besides providing knowledge, teenagers will be guided to resources where they can seek help. They can ask questions, discuss problems in a safe space with experts (including SICB members) in the relevant fields. The interaction will enhance their knowledge, enable them to share their concerns, learn from others, experience peer/adult support, improve their self-esteem and give them confidence to deal with these daily issues. 

The project goals:

  • Create awareness and educate teenagers on the challenges of growing up
  • Create a safe space for open communication
  • Educate boys on their responsibilities to girls
  • Help parents/adults to better understand teenagers
  • Nurture happy teengers

The SICB Teenagers Survival Kit is a program targeted at Teenagers (13-19 years).   We know that teenagers today are exposed to a lot of information (both true and false) and many are overwhelmed. Many of them had to deal with problems like stress, bullying, sexuality, peer pressure, depression etc without any help.

Our other targets are parents, teachers, school counselors, guardians and caregivers (of children’s homes). We want to make them aware of the challenges facing the teenagers in their care and to encourage an environment where teenagers can go to them for advice and help.

The ultimate goal of this project is to provide teenagers with a chance to stay in school, feel safe, continue with the education they deserve and grow up assured and armed with the tools to contribute to a happy and healthy community.


Ani's World short videos on social media

First face-to-face workshop on

13/7/2022 at SMK Puteri Titiwangsa










By: Sim

15 Aug 2022


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