President’s Message












“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, What are you doing for others ? “  - Martin Luther King, Jr.  

 Community service becomes a way of life when you embolden yourself with the principle of  being proactive and prepared to give of your skills and talents for the betterment of the world we live in .  Soroptimist International provides that very platform which enables a person to start from their neighbour and go beyond the horizons across the globe.  Where a single voice may have no impact, SI gives that “oomph”  to any project or activity. 

SI Club of Bangsar with its rich history and tapestry of women from diverse backgrounds with varied personalities is my ideal club . We do say “ We agree to disagree”  . I joined after I was so impressed by the arguments put up at a meeting by members which followed with a consensus solution  reached  and our members finishing off  off with a good laugh , lots of teasing and a hearty meal! That’s Sisterhood ! 

I believe that our Club’s ability to attract new members who can bond together with those with greater experience makes for a strong Club that can implement Projects no matter how difficult.   Our ability to bear the Programme Focus reports in mind when establishing a Project and approach it with the 3 As – Awareness, Advocacy and Action  augurs well for  sustainable and meaningful Projects that impact our community during my tenure. 

It is the service that we are not obliged to give that people value most . In my Presidency, I look forward to enlisting all our skills and talents and  focus on specific Projects to create greater impact.   Our current work is already testimony to this. Stay informed via our FB/ IG & Website. 


Nora SW Lam 







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